Mrs. Elizabeth Peacock

Sophisticated and glamorous widow of two husbands; her latest catch appears to be Colonel Mustard.

Mrs. Peacock’s stature as a model of high society did not exclude her from needing a loan. What would Mrs. Peacock do if suddenly money were a serious issue?


Here are some of the questions that Inspector Grey has asked Mrs. Peacock. Try to read as few as possible before making your guess (by clicking on the "Murder Cards" icon above).


Had Dr. Black loaned you any money? If so, what for?


What happened with you and Miss Scarlett in the Lounge?


What did you do with Miss Scarlett’s nail file?


Why did you take the candlestick from the Dining Room?


Did you find anything important in Dr. Black’s documents?


Do you believe that Col. Mustard and Miss Scarlett are having an affair?


What were your movements after dinner?


Did anyone come in during that time?